
I am a MATH+ postdoctoral researcher at Zuse Institute Berlin in the group of Christoph von Tycowicz where I investigate geometric approaches for the analysis of RNA velocity (see the project here). Prior to that, I was a PhD student in the G-Statistics Group at Inria, under the supervision of Xavier Pennec (Inria) and Alain Trouvé (ENS Paris-Saclay). My thesis focused on non-linear dimension reduction for geometric data with application to shapes and graphs.

More generally, my research interests lie at the interaction between geometry and learning. I am a strong believer in data-driven mathematics with a focus on applications in biology and medicine. I am also motivated by teaching and I am involved in several projects aimed at popularising mathematics.

Please feel free to contact me by email at maignant[at]zib.de


  • January 2024 – I started a Postdoc at Zuse Institute Berlin in the group of Christoph von Tycowicz!